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Friday, December 16, 2011

Weather Word Cloud

The kids brainstormed as many words as they could to end our weather unit!!  Check it out...they remembered a lot...41 words!!  Wow :-)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Measurement is fun!!

The kids worked hard with their partner finding objects in the room to measure using nonstandard units of measurement (unifix cubes). They did such an awesome job respecting each other and taking turns - GREAT TEAMWORK!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

We Skyped today!!

We were very excited to Skype with Tammie Souza a meteorologist from the Fox Chicago Network.  A huge thank you to Tammie for taking the time to speak with us!!
(excuse the choppy moments - it happens with video conferencing sometimes)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our video reponse to our Australian friends!!

We created a video to send back to our friends down under...Australia!  HA
The kids were very excited to tell the boys about themselves :-)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Weather Tools Song

Listen to the weather tools song and fill out the homework sheet that was sent home by Friday, December 9th.  Thanks and enjoy!

This song is off of the Weather CD, by Twin sisters Productions (Go out and buy it, it is GREAT)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Video Message From Australia

We were super excited to receive our first video message from Sydney, Australia.  A huge thank you to the boys and teachers for taking the time to include us in their lives.  Take a peek at part of the video our new friends sent!