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Don't forget to check out our reading and writing blog too!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ask the Expert: Planet Edition

My students did a great job recording their podcast on the planet they researched.  I took all of their recordings and pictures and created a movie using iMovie on my Mac.  Great job and huge thanks to the fourth graders who helped out!! I hope you enjoy!


Monday, February 20, 2012

Photo Essays

Recently, my students researched a planet with a partner. They then picked a few of the facts they learned and created a photo essay. A photo essay is a group of photos that tell a story or provide the reader with information. They used the iPads and an app called ComicBook to create their essays and share their learning with all of you!
I hope you enjoy watching their journey!
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Redbird News, Week 2

Lynette, Lexie, Elijah and LaShawn reporting on our learning!