Feel free to leave us comments about our news and work!!

Don't forget to check out our reading and writing blog too!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Newscast 5

Excellent news reports on tumbling, telling time and George Washington!  Keep up the super work Peyton, Travis and Ashley!

Newscast 4

We've been learning about congruency in math, asking questions in reading and practicing jump roping in P.E.  Listen in to hear James, William and Abigail tell us all about it!

Newscast 3

Want to learn about planets and verbs then watch Jake and Makenzie's newscast!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nature Hike

We celebrated the first day of spring with a hike in Benwell yesterday!  Thanks to Leslie from the conservation district we found an area that we will be observing over the next few months.  Each pair of students found a plant to take field notes on yesterday and will continue to through may.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brainstorm Plant Words!

We started a plant unit this week and we needed to tap into our prior knowledge.  Room 105 sure came up with some SUPER words!

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Learning About Plants!

We are using a web tool/iPad app to reflect on and communicate our learning with each other each day. Follow our lino canvases to learn too!! The kids will be adding to their canvas each day.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Plant Puzzle

We are starting a unit on plants.  If you click the link below you can put together a puzzle that will teach you something about them!!  Find out the information the puzzle gives and you'll be ready to learn about it in class.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Welcome To Our Class Mr. President!

We Skyped Mr. Abe Lincoln this week!  The kids brainstormed some great questions and each got a chance to talk with Abe.  Thanks Mr. President for taking the time to talk with us.  Sorry about some of the technical issues!! (We lost video during our session)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I am very sad to say that the site slide.com that hosts my guestbook is going to be shutting down!  :-(
This will result in us losing all of the great messages and pictures from all of the super people who signed it.  I am in the hunt for a new guestbook and am hoping that all that signed it will take the time to sign it again in the future!
If anyone knows of any other guestbooks that allow pictures please let me know!  :-)
Thanks SO much for your support and kind words...our class greatly appreciates them.