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Sunday, January 8, 2012

What do shoes have to do with math?

In math this week, we used the kids shoes for an activity! I asked them what they thought we were going to be learning about, hear are a few responses: "We are comparing the shoes", "Looking at the different sizes", "Measuring them".
Good ideas, but they were actually learning about pairs! :-)
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  1. wow there are alot of diffrent size out there !there was alot of diffrent size in your guys feet too.:)
    lizzy khollman

  2. lol thats so cool and whats the biggewst shoe size in your room mines is a six and im only 12
    by by

    audesty clapper

  3. and guys good job you are great at every thing you do bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guys

    audesty clapper

  4. what do shoes have to do with math i dont know do you??????

    audesty clapper
